Ipswich Ruby User Group was set up to discuss the latest and greatest in the Ruby Community (and to get together for beer and burgers and a good chat about all things technical).

Since then several other tech groups have sprung up in Ipswich, and we've now semi-merged with FESuffolk. The talks (including Ruby, and not just front end-related) happen on the traditional FESuffolk night (the UCS venue is much more suitable), and what was IPRUG is now a general social meetup for any kind of developers. We might do some hands-on hacky type things sometimes – we'll see.

We meet at the Brewery Tap one Tuesday a month, two weeks after FESuffolk. That makes it 15 days after the last Monday in the month, but it's much easier to just work it out based on the FESuffolk date!

Now there aren't any formal talks, it doesn't really matter what time you turn up, but there'll probably be people there from 6.30 or 7 pm.

Contact Kerry for more information.

Follow @iprug on Twitter or join the Google group to keep up-to-date.
